What to Know about Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Conversions

What to Know about Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Conversions

One way Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) address living conditions in properties is via a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversion. This changes how a rent subsidy is delivered to a property, while allowing owners to access additional capital. Residents have the same benefits, rights, and protections. However, the process of transitioning from traditional public housing to RAD involves several complexities that PHAs need to understand.

  1. Understanding RAD Conversions: RAD allows PHAs to access additional funding sources for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and/or replacing public housing properties. As a result, affordable housing stock can be improved and preserved. Under this program, public housing properties are converted to the Section 8 program to ensure they remain affordable on a permanent basis.
  2. Benefits of RAD Conversions: Conversion to RAD can provide several benefits. These include access to private sources of capital to make critical repairs and improvements, a stable and predictable funding source, and a reduction in the regulatory and administrative burdens of public housing.
  3. The Conversion Process: The RAD conversion process is complex and involves multiple stages. PHAs must inform residents, hold at least two resident meetings at multiple stages, apply to HUD for approval, complete a physical conditions assessment, develop a financing plan, secure commitments from private or public lenders, and then convert the units (plus temporarily relocate residents, if necessary).
  4. Role of an Accountant: An accountant can play a critical role in guiding a PHA through a RAD conversion. They can help in preparing the financial projections required for the application, reviewing the financing plan, and ensuring compliance with the financial reporting requirements of the Section 8 program.
  5. Risk Management: While RAD conversions offer numerous benefits, they also present some risks. These might include potential displacement of residents during renovations, changes in tenant rent contributions, and possible non-compliance with HUD regulations. PHAs need to carefully consider these risks and develop appropriate risk management strategies.
  6. Resident Engagement: Resident engagement is a critical aspect of RAD conversions. Before submitting a RAD application, PHAs are required to inform and consult with residents (including the Resident Advisory Board). This includes notifying residents about the proposed conversion, holding at least two meetings with residents to discuss the plan and solicit feedback, and providing regular updates on the progress of the conversion. After receiving a Commitment to enter into a Housing Assistance Payment (CHAP) contract, the PHA must have at least two additional resident meetings to share updates and get feedback.

Understanding RAD conversions can be challenging. However, with the right information and guidance, PHAs can successfully navigate this process to improve the quality and sustainability of their housing stock. It is essential for PHAs to collaborate with experienced professionals in the field, such as accountants, to ensure a smooth and compliant conversion process. To learn more, refer to the HUD RAD Resident Fact Sheet.

If you are interested in learning more or getting started with your RAD conversion, RBT CPA accounting professionals are available to help. (We can also support your tax, audit, and advisory needs). To learn more, give us a call today.


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Measuring Success: A Refresher on Key Performance Indicators

Measuring Success: A Refresher on Key Performance Indicators

Do you ever look at certain companies, whether global sensations or local favorites, and wonder – what is it that makes them such strong front-runners in competitive environments? Imagine the potential impact on local businesses and local economies if we could figure that out. After all, strong local businesses build strong local economies, and that benefits everyone.

Of course, there’s a myriad of factors that contribute to accomplished businesses, from having a compelling value proposition that meets certain needs or desires to brand, strategy, customer service, employee engagement, and more. Still, one of the most fundamental but critical drivers of business success is this: setting, monitoring, and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs).

A KPI measures activity that is critical to successfully compete in the marketplace. It can show when something is working well and should continue, while pointing to potential issues and necessary course corrections to keep a business and its employees focused and on track.

A business may have three or four overall KPIs and require each business function and individual employees to set KPIs as well. This way, all efforts are aligned to drive common goals.

In addition to evaluating critical activity, a KPI must be realistic, specific, and quantifiable. It should highlight areas where increased efficiency/decrease in use of resources can be achieved, and illustrate progress over time.

Implementing and tracking KPIs provides reliable data to streamline decision-making, encourages teamwork by promoting cooperation, and offers clarity for workers in terms of performance expectations. (As an added bonus, they can also help identify seasonal trends.)

Setting a KPI is just the start – the real value comes from regularly checking in to see if progress is being made and having a clear course of action once the results of the KPI are known.

Implementing KPIs can increase your business’ efficiency and production capability. An added benefit, KPIs can generate a positive attitude among team members by letting individuals know how they contribute to a business’ success. Setting, monitoring, and measuring KPIs regularly can reenergize your team and align everyone to work together to achieve the same goals.  For information on KPIs, see our story: “Are You Using the Right KPIs for Your Brewery?”

If you are interested in learning more, RBT CPA advisory services professionals are available to help. (We can also support your tax, audit, and advisory needs). To learn how we can be Remarkably Better Together, give us a call today.


RBT CPAs is proud to say 100% of its work is prepared in America. Our company does not offshore work, so you always know who is handling your confidential financial data.