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Consulting and Special Project Services

© Thomas P. Kennedy/Rill Song Studios, 2021

Consulting and Special Project Services

Client Advisory Boards & Services

A majority of businesses operate on the assumption that they know what is important to their clients or customers. In fascinating ways, our program uncovers the reality (which is often quite surprising) by working directly with your clients as if they were on the board of your company. Use this program to create new partnerships with your key customers and then build on their feedback to create a stronger, much more centered business that generates greater loyalty and, of course greater profitability.

A Client Advisory Board will help your business:

Client Advisory Boards are a great way to improve the way your business deals with its customers.

The purpose of a Client Advisory Board is to listen to your customers’ opinions. You want them to be as candid as possible. The only way you can make changes and improve is by hearing the good along with the bad.

The Client Advisory Board Session:

A Client Advisory Board, facilitated by the experienced members of our Special Projects Department, is a perfect way to get to the heart of what your customers think about your business and what they want from it.

In short, the benefits of having a Client Advisory Board are:

Our Special Projects Team will analyze the results of the session with you and also help you implement changes suggested by your board to ensure your company is meeting their needs and expectations.

Take your company to the next level with professional accounting and a strategic plan from RBT CPAs, LLP. As your business advisors in Mid Hudson Valley, NY, we offer a range of essential services to help your business thrive. Contact our office for more information on the services available, including:

Spend More Time Doing What You Love

Running a business is a challenge, especially in the 21st century. With so many different regulations to follow and documents to file, it is hard for many business owners to get out of their office and out onto the work floor doing what they love. You went into business because you were passionate about your industry, not because you wanted to sit behind a desk. Make us your business advisors so you can spend more time on what matters most to you.

From balancing your books to preparing your tax documents, we handle numerous crucial but often tedious financial tasks to help your business stay healthy. When you need professional insight on your plans for your business’s future, we work alongside you to help your company reach its next step successfully. Give us a call to discuss your goals for your company.

Client Situation Reviews

Our firm has developed a unique business meeting we call the Client Situation Review or CSR. In the course of three to four hours we will facilitate a meeting involving members of your team plus our team including a full complement of HR, strategy, and financial experts. The purpose of the meeting is to identify those issues that are most important to your company. You will receive a complete report from us, and learn what others within and outside your industry are doing.

Benefits of a Client Situation Review:

Who participates?

It has been the Firm’s experience that a CSR is most effective when the client team is composed of knowledgeable participants representing the key disciplines of the client’s company. Ideally the following participants would attend:

Contact us for more information about Client Advisory Boards and Client Situation Reviews throughout the Mid-Hudson Valley, NY area.

Michael A. Turturro

Managing Partner

Times Herald Record Readers Choice Winner 2021

Voted Best Accounting Firm
in the Region!

Voted Best Tax Preparers
in the Region!

Voted Best Financial Planners
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Voted Best Overall Employer

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