Tips to Help You Manage Cash Flow During Volatile Times

Tips to Help You Manage Cash Flow During Volatile Times

As if the skyrocketing costs of materials and supply chain issues weren’t enough, managing cash flow carefully is even more important in light of pending stagflation, where the economy slows (with less spending and higher unemployment), while inflation and interest rates grow.

No doubt, you’re already aware of the impact supply chain issues and material price volatility are having on project schedules and budgets. By now, many had hoped focus would be shifting to a construction boom thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. However, economic headwinds aren’t cooperating and may lead to another year or two before volatility subsides. All of this makes managing cash flow critical.

Let’s start with the basics. Cash flow is the money that comes in and goes out of your business to keep it running. You have positive cash flow when there is more money coming in than going out. Negative cash flow is the opposite and can be a sign your business is losing money or dealing with short-term timing issues with payments and billing. It also may mean you won’t have enough cash on hand to cover unexpected expenses.

Once you bid on a project, you must be ready to cover the costs required to purchase materials; pay vendors, subcontractors, and employees; get the work done (i.e., equipment and fuel); and cover unexpected costs that may arise. At the same time, if you’re like most contractors, you’re balancing this knowing that the money coming into your business in the form of payments will likely be delayed.

As reported in Construction Executive, the ideal is to make sure your operating budget covers the next 18 to 24 months and you have a cash flow model projecting cash flow for the next 6 to 12 months that you monitor closely, so you’re prepared to act accordingly whether cash flow dips or grows.

You need to relentlessly focus on planning, managing, and maximizing cash flow, overall and for each project. Know when certain activities will be complete and billed so you have positive cash flow on each project.

As revealed in Levelset’s 2022 Construction Cash Flow & Payment Report, this is easier said than done. A survey of more than 500 construction firms across the U.S. reveals only 1 in 10 businesses are always paid on time for their work. 90% of survey participants have 30-day payment terms, but less than 40% receive payment within that time. Slow payments can have a domino effect, resulting in wasted resources, lower profits, project delays and stoppages, and an inability to make payroll. It can also impact your ability to secure new credit.

You may find opportunity to improve cash flow by improving payment and collection processes. Consider adopting a customer prequalification process to ensure any one you do work for will have the money to pay their bills on time. Also explore whether you need to strengthen collections processes – there’s a lot of opportunity here as only about 40% of Levelset survey participants issue an intent to lien and 34% issue a demand letter. (Of course, getting legal counsel is a good idea in this situation.)

Beyond billing, there are numerous other opportunities to have a positive impact on cash flow:

  • Make sure proposals are profitable and realistic. Project owners know what’s going on with the supply chain and economy. Seeing smart proposals that address challenges fairly may be more attractive than risking going with a low-ball bidder who could have issues completing a job.
  • Protect your cash. Consider loans or lines of credit so you can keep cash on hand, but also balance this with an eye toward avoiding interest rates that could make payment unsustainable.
  • Review contracts with a fine-tooth comb. Challenge clauses that may increase risk to cash flow given supply chain issues. Avoid hard project bids that lock-in prices over a long period of time. Incorporate ways to share price volatility risks. Consider requesting a cash advance.
  • Relentlessly document and communicate scope and schedule changes. You have to manage client expectations and protect your business on an ongoing basis.
  • Check your insurance. Higher prices may require higher coverage. Also, if you’re stockpiling materials, make sure your policy will cover them.
  • Build relationships with suppliers. Talk with material supplier owners about materials storage and owners funding materials up front. Consider buying in bulk, shopping around, negotiating for the best deals, getting payment terms that align with the time it will take for you to get paid by clients, and exploring lines of credit or loans that your supplier may offer. Always have back up suppliers on hand and build relationships with more local and regional suppliers.
  • Monitor and forecast cash flow monthly. Identify the biggest cash flow risks up front and potential solutions so you’re prepared for the unexpected.
  • Stay informed. The Associated General Contractors (AGC) Inflation Alerts provide timely and comprehensive information to inform project owners, government officials, and the public about the impact of supply chain issues, material costs, and inflation on construction.

Having a professional accountant and tax partner can also help your cash flow, especially when you partner with someone that knows your industry and potential opportunities to maximize tax deductions and credits (i.e., IRC Section 179 and the Fuel Tax Credit). Interested? Give RBT CPAs a call. We’ve been around for more than 50 years, serving construction (and other clients) in the Hudson Valley. We’re one of the best in the region and among the top 250 in the country. We believe we’re successful when we help make you successful – especially during challenging times.

Cyberattacks Cost More Than Manufacturers Realize

Cyberattacks Cost More Than Manufacturers Realize

How much can your organization afford to pay to end a cyberattack? How long can it last with operations shut down? What if the amount you pay represents just 5% of the total financial impact to your business for years to come and the balance isn’t covered by insurance?

Yes, it all sounds a bit hysterical and for good reason. The frequency and cost of cyberattacks are increasing rapidly. It’s estimated that a cyberattack occurs every 11 seconds, at an average cost of $22 million in 2022. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, global cybercrime costs will reach $6 trillion this year and $10.5 trillion in 2025. That doesn’t even get into the $170 billion companies are spending to defend operations against attacks.

You may think that because your business is small, it’s not worth a cyber criminal’s time – think again.

Manufacturers are among the most vulnerable because of their reliance on digital technology and the internet. While they’ve flown under the radar because of more lucrative targets like financial and institutions and insurance companies, a recent report by IBM identified manufacturing as the most targeted industry for cyberattacks in 2021. Almost one in four cyberattacks targets a manufacturer.

As TechTarget notes, “Cybercrime can affect a business for years after the initial attack occurs. The costs associated with cyberattacks — lawsuits, insurance rate hikes, criminal investigations and bad press — can put a company out of business quickly.”

Consider these stats:

  • “The average cost of downtime caused by ransomware between 2018 and 2020 has grown from 46,800 dollars to 283,000 dollars per incident, which is about a 7× increase.” (Source: CEOWorld Magazine)
  • “It takes an average of 287 days for security teams to identify and contain a data breach, according to the ‘Cost of a Data Breach 2021’ report releasedby IBM and Ponemon Institute.” (Source: TechTarget)
  • “For a smaller business, a ransom is often $3,000 to $10,000, or sometimes as large as $100,000. For large companies, ransoms are typically in the millions.” (Source: Association of Equipment Manufacturers)

As reported in Deloitte’s CFO Insights, a new Deloitte study – “Beneath the surface of a cyberattack: A deeper look at business impacts” – shows direct costs account for less than 5% of the total business impact of a cyberattack. Hidden costs are much higher and add up over several years. They can include insurance premium increases of 200%; a short-term credit rating downgrade resulting in higher interest rates; costs to repair equipment and facilities, additional resources to support business continuity, and losses due to inability to deliver goods and services; damage to customer relationships; devaluation of trade name; and loss of intellectual property ranging from trade secrets and copyrights to investment plans.

When weighing the expense of building up cyber security versus the potential cost to your business, make sure you’re weighing all the potential factors – especially the hidden ones.

If you need more data to justify your investment in cyber security, here are several resources:

2022 IBM Security X-Force Threat Intelligence Index

CISA Insights on Cyber Threats to Manufacturing

Accenture’s State of Cybersecurity Resilience Report 2021

World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Risks Report

Trend Micro Incorporated’s The State of Industrial Cybersecurity

For more information about resources to help your manufacturing organization with cyber security, visit another RBT CPAs thought leadership article: Is Your Manufacturing Operation Cyber Secure?

Finally, if you’re interested in learning more about the tax and accounting side of building your cyber security, give us a call. RBT CPAs has been serving clients in the Hudson Valley for more than 50 years.

Are You Succeeding? Do the Math

Are You Succeeding? Do the Math

All you have to do to run a successful construction business is turn a profit, right?

Well, that’s easier said than done, especially when you consider the many challenges confronting construction firms today.  Inflation, soaring fuel prices, and unreliable supply chains are just a few of the bigger challenges that can impact profitability and ultimately success. Still, there are three key numbers that you should know, review, and update during the course of a project to help boost financial success: total costs, markup, and profits. Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Total Costs

While it may be tempting to lowball bids in an effort to win business, it’s also a risky proposition. According to the 2022 Association of General Contractors (AGC) national survey, 84% of respondents’ costs are higher than anticipated. To be competitive and choose the right projects to bid on, it’s important to understand what it will cost to actually do the work and budget accordingly (or even charge more, which is what 62% of AGC survey respondents indicate they are doing).

To start, define each task or activity you’ll need to complete and then put a price on it. Be sure to include the price reflects labor, materials, and overhead.  When you add those costs together, you’ll get the true cost of a job (that’s why this process is sometimes called job costing). By taking this approach, you can also easily identify and track project scope changes that impact costs.

Be aware of indirect costs, which typically apply across all of your jobs and include things like construction equipment, workers’ compensation insurance, and payroll service fees.

Finally, there’s overhead. In general, this includes rent/mortgage, office equipment, and supplies, licenses and fees, taxes, utilities, general insurance, and salaries.

It’s important to define all costs upfront and then track them regularly throughout each project’s duration. Unexpected costs and work come up on most projects. By adding them to your costs immediately and letting your client know about changes in scope and price, you help manage client expectations while making sure your costs are covered. Regularly meet with project managers and accounting staff to track costs and swiftly course-correct when needed.

  1. Markup Percentage

Breaking even on a job pays the bills but nothing else. To succeed, you need to make above and beyond the cost of the project. By applying a markup percentage to the total cost, you can generate additional revenue to cover other additional costs or serve as a profit.

For example, let’s say your total cost estimate for a job is $10,000. You decide to mark it up by 20% or $2,000. You’ll charge your client $12,000. If you’ve kept your costs on track, your profit will equal the markup amount of $2,000. It’s important to note that realizing the full $2,000 in profits requires you to be sure all direct and indirect costs are reflected in the estimate; otherwise, a portion of the revenue will go towards those other costs.

To protect your revenue, you should carefully review contracts for language that limits markups on change orders. Project owners often include this language so contractors do not lowball a bid and later make up any shortfall by overcharging on change orders. Unfortunately, contracts that limit markup percentages can also prevent you from covering your costs, much less retaining revenue. At the very least, avoid contracts that limit you to cost or cost plus 10%.

  1. Sales/Profit Margin

Net profit is the amount of sales revenue left after you’ve paid all applicable costs. For example, a 40% profit margin means 40 cents of every dollar in sales is profit. To calculate profit, use this formula: (Net Income / Revenue) × 100. In general, you should strive to earn a net profit of at least 8% — more is even better.

You should review profit margins regularly as it measures your ability to maintain and build a strong bottom line. You can use this knowledge to create a realistic profit margin goal, and then use your markup percentage to reach that goal.

Calculating total costs, markup percentage, and sales/profit margin is essential to defining and measuring construction company success.

Always start using good data that’s regularly gathered, clearly displayed, and accurately analyzed. If you need help with your finances or processes, RBT CPAs is here to help. Contact our experts today!

The Benefits of Having a Business in New York

The Benefits of Having a Business in New York

A growing number of manufacturers (and other businesses) are realizing there are a lot of perks of doing business in New York.

A few decades ago, most large companies’ manufacturing operations relocated offshore to reduce costs and remain competitive. The COVID pandemic highlighted one of the biggest risks of this move – not being able to get products, supplies, and inventory when and where they are needed. Regionalization shortens the supply chain, puts products closer to customers, and lowers shipping and potentially production costs.  So, reshoring – or bringing manufacturing or parts of it back to the US – is the next big trend. Even the White House is doing its part to help manufacturing thrive on American soil.

While you would think up-and-coming cities in other parts of the country with lower costs of living would be attractive to these operations, don’t count New York out.

Overall, employers in New York are experiencing the lowest taxes in decades and have a lot to look forward to thanks to the $150 billion in upcoming infrastructure investments in state-of-the-art business and transportation systems. The state boasts one of the country’s largest higher education systems and a plethora of workforce development programs. It’s a leader in low-cost clean energy and protecting the environment. Plus, there’s something for everyone from the arts, sports, fine dining, and culture to a variety of outdoor activities and spaces.

While the entire country is striving to rebound from the Great Resignation and a beyond-tight talent pool, New York State’s Workforce Development Initiative is investing $175 million to meet current and future staffing needs. Funds are available to build regional talent pipelines, expand workplace learning, address short-term and long-term staffing needs, and more.

New York’s Department of Labor and State University of New York (SUNY) system collaborate on apprenticeship programs and positions in advanced manufacturing. Businesses are benefitting from university research and development (R&D) resources and universities are benefitting from providing students with hands-on experience, with more than 70 Empire State Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR) funded facilities and tools.

In the state, there are 10 regional economic development councils (REDCs) charged with developing strategic plans for growth and investments in their respective region. The councils are made up of public-private partnerships, with experts and stakeholders from business, academia, local government, and other organizations.

For example, existing businesses and businesses that are expanding within or relocating to the Hudson Valley have access to the Hudson Valley Economic Development Corporation (HVEDC), which strives to drive business innovation, attraction, and expansion throughout the region. The council offers regional and state collaboration; market, economic, workforce, and real estate data and statistics; site search consultations; business education; and training.  

The state offers a broad variety of tax incentives and business credits to support business development, startups, expansions, relocations, process improvements, energy efficiencies, low-cost power, workforce development, and more. Manufacturers benefit from tax credits, including property tax credits and business incentives.

New and existing NY businesses receive tax credits for jobs, capital investments, and R&D through the Excelsior Tax Credit Program.

Businesses new to the empire state can receive a 5% cash refund on capital spending up to $350 million and 4% for spending above that during the first five years of operation. There are also numerous grants available for job creation or corporate infrastructure through Empire State Development.

Even the 2022 state budget includes tax breaks for businesses to comply with public health orders and keep their businesses safe; tax credits for hiring veterans, at-risk youth, people with disabilities, and apprentices; and tax credits for clean heating fuel, upgraded electric vehicles, and recharging.

For more information about doing business – or more specifically manufacturing – in New York, visit the Manufacturers Association of central and upstate New York; Manufacturing and technology enterprise center in the Hudson Valley for business consulting services related to technology and engineering; and the Business Incentives Guide, which focuses on New York City but includes state and federal resources for financing, taxes, energy, and workforce.

For more information about taxes, accounting, and finance, contact RBT CPAs – a professional, local resource supporting businesses in the Hudson Valley for more than 50 years.

Mitigating Commodity Price Swing Risk

Mitigating Commodity Price Swing Risk

Just when there was light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and it looked like COVID-spurred commodity price swings were settling down, in comes inflation and a war, driving prices and uncertainties in the construction industry to unprecedented heights once again.

As reported on regarding the war in Ukraine, “The latest developments can slow down production activities and impact the export of commodities and goods. This is true as the tensions have led to supply disruption fears in an already-tight commodity market. A surge in prices of crude, natural gas, grains and metals has already been witnessed. The surging commodity prices can have a far-reaching impact on global economies like the United States and U.K., recovering from the pandemic-led slowdown and witnessing high inflation levels.”

What are construction companies supposed to do now to mitigate risks tied to sky high commodity costs? Here’s a few recommendations we’ve come across from the experts:

  • Evaluate your procurement plan and contracts with suppliers. According to consulting firm McKinsey & Company, cross-company collaboration for proactive decision-making (rather than reactive firefighting) and supplier negotiation strategies can make a big impact.
  • Update client contracts and proposals to include language and clauses that limit risk. For example, a price acceleration clause allows a contractor to revise a price based on the actual cost of labor and materials even after a contract is signed. A material substitution clause allows a contractor to substitute one material for another (should the original become unavailable). There are others: force majeure, material delay, mutual or bilateral material escalation clause, termination clause, risk splitting and thresshold approach, to name a few.
  • Embed risk mitigation tactics into all stages of a project, from bidding and contract to design, procurement and construction (according to com). For example, consider linking bids to cost indexes (i.e., ENR Materials Cost Index or AIQS Building Cost Index). Also, state the time-period that bids are valid. According to, avoiding delays by being prepared for shovel-ready projects and just in time purchasing may help, while other sources say to buy in bulk for several projects and store materials (if possible).

In truth, despite commodity price swings and growing labor costs, industry experts remain optimistic about the opportunities the lay ahead, with good reason when you consider the construction boom expected as a result of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Some predict there is going to be more work than construction companies, which will increase competition for their services.

With everything else going on, one thing you don’t need to worry about is accounting and taxes. Let RBT CPAs focus on what we do best (accounting and taxes) so you can focus on what you do best (construction). Give us a call.

Please note: The information in this post should in no way be construed as legal advice. If you need assistance with anything legal-related, please contact a legal expert for direction.

Skill Gap Part 2: Collaborating to Address Challenges in the Hudson Valley

Skill Gap Part 2: Collaborating to Address Challenges in the Hudson Valley

Manufacturing’s fourth industrial revolution, driven by artificial intelligence, cognitive automation, advanced robotics and analytics, and the Internet of Things (IOT) changing how work gets done and driving the need for more technology-savvy workers and skillsets. While employers have been preparing for changing workforce demographics for decades, none could have predicted the pandemic and its impacts on the workplace, including the great resignation, where employees are leaving the workforce in droves and holding employers to higher standards.

The pandemic combined with a generational shift in values has turned the labor market into an employees’ market, leaving employers to figure out what they need to do to compete for and win valued talent. As Baby Boomers retire, Millennials and Gen Zers are rising through the ranks with different values, redefining the workplace to account for things like work life balance, health, and job satisfaction.  Every industry – including manufacturing – is being challenged to not only successfully create the future of work, but also to do it in a manner that considers very different generational mores than in the past.

As highlighted in a joint study conducted by global consulting firm Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, the industry is facing the largest talent shortfall ever, with an estimated 2 million jobs unfilled between 2015 and 2025, leaving employers to answer:

  • How are manufacturing jobs and careers evolving?
  • What skills are necessary for the future of work?
  • What should manufacturers be doing to develop a talent pipeline where employees have the skills to work alongside advanced technologies?

These questions and the challenges prompting them have even made it to the White House, with a push for immigration reform that will help manufacturers attract and retain STEM talent for the future.

They also prompted The National Association of Manufacturers and the Manufacturing Institute to launch Creators Wanted in 2021 [LINK TO] – a campaign to change perceptions about manufacturing jobs and build a talent pipeline. Focusing on workforce development among students, women, veterans, underrepresented communities and more, the campaign includes online events and content, as well as a nationwide tour to educate students, parents, workers, and community leaders about modern manufacturing.

In the Hudson Valley, the Council of Industry manufacturing association has multi-faceted, collaborative strategies addressing these issues in our region. From training programs and workforce development to networking, advocacy and more, the council offers comprehensive solutions for manufacturing organizations and members in our communities. Resources include:

  • Training A certificate program to train supervisors to lead; Hudson Valley Consortium Training, where six community colleges offer subsidized manufacturing related classes and certificates; and regulatory refresher training.
  • Workforce development A regional workforce development strategy; New York State Manufacturers Alliance Apprenticeship Program (NYMAAP) providing on-the-job training and additional instruction for those participating in three- to four-year apprenticeship programs (see more information below); the Recruiting Initiative campaign to market manufacturing jobs in the region and help local companies recruit talent; the Hudson Valley Pathways Academy, a program targeting grades 9 to 14, leading to an Associate Degree and building a talent pipeline; National Manufacturing Day events; connecting students with manufacturers and engineers; and org, a program to educate about modern manufacturing opportunities and career paths.
  • Networking Events to help manufacturing companies connect about business, Human Resources or Environmental Health & Safety, as well as special events.
  • Surveys & Data Participate in a regional survey to learn about pay and benefit practices, which come into play when creating rewards strategies to attract and retain talent.
  • Advocacy From Albany to Washington.

Of particular note is the Manufacturers Intermediary Apprenticeship Program (MIAP), which was created by the New York State Manufacturers Alliance of which the Council of Industry is a founding member and program administrator in the Hudson Valley. The program connects future skilled workers with small, medium, and large employers to secure paid apprenticeships in high-demand, competitive wage occupations, while completing their education.

Johnnieanne Hanson, Vice President of the Council, says interest in MIAP has grown during the pandemic, which likely put a brighter spotlight on recruiting and retention challenges. “What makes our program unique is that we’ve already done the legwork to create it. Employers don’t have to do anything other than express interest and start with even just one apprentice. So, it’s really appealing and do-able for a small to medium sized business that may otherwise not have the resources to build an apprenticeship program from the ground up.”

There’s also an abundance of financial support and incentives to get the ball rolling. “There’s money towards community college, tax credits, online learning licenses and grants for trainees,” Johnnianne says. “It’s a great time in terms of employers and employees have resources and support.”

The program can be used to attract new employees, incentivize new hires, and engage longer-term employees. “By investing in an employee, an employer is showing that it values the person, what they can contribute and their potential for the future. We’ve seen people who go through the program come out so happy and with such a sense of pride about the company investing in them. It means more than most realize,” Johnnianne adds.

The certifications can be viewed as the equivalent of a earning a college degree, while learning on-the-job skills and making an impact – two big values of the Millennials and Zers.  In turn, employers set themselves up to retain and develop high potential talent.

“As the saying goes, ‘The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the next best time is today.’ So, while employers should have been preparing for the talent crunch decades ago, it’s not too late to become part of the apprenticeship program. It starts with just a phone call,” Johnnieanne concludes.

No doubt, there has never been a more exciting or challenging time in manufacturing. RBT CPAs are here to partner with you on everything accounting and tax-wise, so you’re freed up to focus on creating a strong talent pipeline and business for the future. Let us know what we can do for you.

How the Wage Theft Bill is changing the Construction Industry in 2022

How the Wage Theft Bill is changing the Construction Industry in 2022

The New Year brings with it new opportunities for growth, new projects to begin, and also, new laws to follow.

In 2021, New York State passed legislation that went into effect earlier this month, which shifts liability to general contractors for wage theft cases on private construction projects.

Up until now, construction contractors weren’t liable for their subcontractors’ employees’ wages unless there was an employment relationship between the contractor and the employee of the subcontractor. But this law which went into effect Jan. 4th, 2022, makes contractors on construction projects jointly liable for wages owed to employees of their subcontractors. It also allows contractors to demand payroll information from subcontractors and withhold payment if the information is not provided. The law exempts home-improvement contracts except for the construction of more than ten one- or two-family owner/occupied dwellings.

Advocates say the law will incentivize general contractors to be more selective in the hiring of subcontractors, with the hope that greater oversight will promote safer working conditions on construction sites and force illegitimate subcontractors out of the industry. Opponents vocalize various concerns about the new law, including the belief that it overcomplicates the process for contractors.

Assembly member Latoya Joyner said, “This legislation protects the interests of hardworking construction workers over unscrupulous subcontractors. Wage theft is a crime of opportunity that disproportionately affects people who are already living paycheck to paycheck.”

The New York State Building & Construction Trades Council, representing more than 200,000 unionized employees, called the bill’s passage a “monumental victory for working people.”

Meanwhile, the Associated General Contractors of New York State, which represents construction employers, oppose the legislation.

While the group supports wage theft prevention, they view the legislation unfavorably because it extends liability for up to three years after a project has been completed. The new law “creates an unmanageable level of risk for general contractors,” according to Mike Elmendorf, CEO of AGC NYS. He says it “slows payments to subcontractors, and raises the cost of construction.”

Whatever your stance is, in order to reduce exposure to wage claims under the new law, New York contractors need to act now. It’s a best practice to consider revising standard contracts and developing procedures for collecting the information that contractors are entitled to receive from subcontractors under the new law. Specifically, upon a contractor’s request, a subcontractor must provide:

  • Certified payroll records containing “sufficient information to apprise the contractor…of such subcontractor’s payment status in paying wages and making any applicable fringe or other benefit payments or contributions to a third party on its employee’s behalf”;
  • The names of all of the subcontractor’s workers (including independent contractors) on a project;
  • The name of the contractor’s subcontractor with whom such subcontractor is under contract;
  • The subcontractor’s contract start date and duration of work;
  • The identity of unions with which the subcontractor is a signatory; and
  • Contact information for the subcontractor’s designated contact.

If a subcontractor at any tier fails to provide the above-mentioned information, the contractor may withhold payment otherwise due to that subcontractor. Make sure you are operating at peak financial efficiency by leaving your financial statements, internal auditing, and overall business analyses to a professional and reputable team. At our company, we prioritize developing a positive relationship that helps you prepare for the future and all of the uncertainty that comes with it. Contact us to discuss your specific team needs today, we are dedicated to helping our construction clients achieve success.

Sources: Governor.NY.GOV, NYSenate.Gov

Could This Training Plan Save the Supply Chain?

Could This Training Plan Save the Supply Chain?

It’s been nearly a month since a bipartisan group of lawmakers urged Labor Secretary Marty Walsh to speed up a federal program that recruits and trains new trucker drivers to help ease the supply chain bottlenecks that are disrupting the U.S. economy.

House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott, D-Ga., led more than 60 Democrats and Republicans in asking Walsh to expedite the application process for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) grant program, which recruits underprivileged job seekers for different industries. The program provides job training for dislocated workers, low-income individuals, and unemployed youth.

WIOA Programs are designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. The best part? It’s happening here, in our communities and you can get involved if it’s not already a part of your life. It requires states to strategically align their core workforce development programs to coordinate the needs of both job seekers and employers through combined four-year state plans, fostering regional collaboration within states through local workforce areas.

“With turnover rates for large, long haul truckers reaching the 90 percent mark and the lag time for training and onboarding new drivers lasting several months, it is critically important DOL enact these measures as soon as possible…Unless we exhaust every possible avenue in which to address this crisis, we risk worsening supply constraints for manufacturers and rising prices on consumer goods,” the lawmakers wrote to Walsh.

In a separate letter to the Biden administration, The American Trucking Associations warned that the industry is short 80,000 drivers. The group endorsed the lawmakers’ letter to Walsh.

Appearing with Timothy Dooner and Michael Vincent on FreightWaves’ WHAT THE TRUCK?!? Program, CEO of A&M Transport Andy Owens recently discussed the pivotal role that WIOA can have in boosting trucking industry awareness and employment opportunities. Owens who has served on the Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board since 2015, said that anyone can get involved in a variety of capacities.

“Like with any volunteer position, you’re going to get out what you put into it; you can make it a full-time job or just make it a hobby,” Owens said, adding that appointments to the board are made by a recommendation from a community group like your like Chamber of Commerce and then approved through a county commissioner or its equivalent office. “The idea of workforce boards is to determine what industries or sectors you want to support, and then allocate appropriate funding to the local Workforce or Employment offices to help recruit and train a workforce to support those industries.”

So what’s a realistic goal while we wait to learn what the Labor Secretary will do? Be proactive and get involved in your local workforce development board. You can advocate for the industry and help secure more government funding for employment offices to train more truck drivers and hopefully better promote the industry as a whole. Contact our RBT team of professionals to review your specific manufacturing needs. Additionally, if you would like to submit feedback or topic ideas for future articles our team produces, please feel free to contact us at

Sources: DOL, CNBC, Freight Waves

The Not-So-Secret Tax Savings Tool You Need to Know About

The Not-So-Secret Tax Savings Tool You Need to Know About

Normally, it takes almost four decades to fully recover the cost of commercial property through depreciation deductions – and as you know, time is money.

As a manufacturing company owner, you may own the building, or several buildings, where your goods are produced. Luckily, there’s a worthwhile alternative that can help you claim much faster write-offs. Let’s dive into the incredible savings that your future can hold if you opt to commission a cost segregation study.

How Does Cost Segregation Work, Anyway?

A cost segregation study allows a business to recoup its investment in qualified property faster than usual by identifying various building components that may be classified as personal property or land improvements, which are subject to shorter write-off periods. For instance, some property may be classified as five-year, seven-year, or 15-year property eligible for accelerated depreciation methods. Land improvements are depreciated over 15 years using the 150% declining balance method.

Manufacturers that acquire a building may benefit from three depreciation-related tax breaks for building components identified in a cost segregation study including a Section 179 deduction, a first-year bonus depreciation deduction, and a MACRS deduction.

As a general rule, “personal property” is defined in IRS regulations as tangible depreciable property (other than buildings and their structural components) used in certain industries, such as manufacturing, as well as several other specialized types of property.

Notably, manufacturers often benefit from identifying equipment foundations, exhaust and ventilation systems, and security systems as tangible personal property. Costs of landscaping, underground utilities, and site lighting may be written off as land improvements.

How Much Savings Are We Talking?

Depending on your circumstances, about 20% to 40% of the eligible costs of a light manufacturing facility may constitute tangible property and land improvements. The benefits may be even greater for a heavy manufacturing company. It’s common for 30% to 60% of the eligible costs of a heavy manufacturer to be reclassified to tangible property and land improvements.

Let’s review a potential scenario. For example, if you buy a building for $5 million in 2021, the annual straight-line depreciation deduction would be about $128,205 ($5 million divided by 39 years). However, let’s say your CPA performs a cost segregation study and determines that you can reclassify $1 million of the cost (20% of $5 million) as property that can be depreciated over seven years. You decide to take advantage of the deduction and bonus depreciation rules that allow you to immediately deduct the cost of those components in the tax year it was placed in service. So, you can deduct $1 million plus $102,564 on the remaining $4 million of cost ($4 million divided by 39 years).

What’s Right for Your Business?

The best time to perform a cost segregation study is the tax year that your company buys the building, but a cost segregation study can be commissioned any time after the acquisition, renovation, or construction of the facility. How much could your business save by performing a cost segregation study? And which tax breaks will save you the most over the long run? Our Manufacturing Services Group works with businesses in diverse industries including building materials, food processing, specialty sporting goods, commercial lighting, health, beauty, pharmaceuticals, and more. Whatever the size of your venture, we can help you meet your goals, now and in the future. Contact our RBT team of professionals for more details about how a cost segregation study could improve your situation.

Sources: © 2020, Powered by Thomson Reuters Checkpoint

How to Save Big with Construction Management Software

How to Save Big with Construction Management Software

Running a successful construction company requires a lot of hard work, organization, and coordination. Your team is relying on you to communicate plans, your client is relying on you to communicate issues that may arise, and you are juggling multiple schedules, budgets, timelines, (personalities…), and maintaining a safe work environment. Before we head into the new year, it’s important to reevaluate your current workflow and determine how effectively your team is working. Remember, inefficient project management equals lost revenue.

What’s the real value of construction project management software?

A new market study published by market research company Global Industry Analysts Inc. (GIA), released its report to summarize the global market outlook for the next few years. The report presents fresh perspectives on opportunities and challenges in a significantly transformed post COVID-19 marketplace. The global market for Construction Management Software estimated at $1.4 Billion in the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of $2.9 Billion by 2026. The U.S. market is estimated at $426 million in 2021, while China is forecast to reach $625.2 million by 2026.

What can construction project management software accomplish for your company?

Construction project management software is collaborative technology that allows the parties involved in a construction project to find, share, and update information related to the project. Common functions of these tools handle various aspects of the project such as scheduling, contract and permit management, quality assurance, and safety. While selecting a specific program is extremely personal and preferential depending on your business strengths and weaknesses, we want to mention ten of the key features that most construction project management software will include, as outlined by the research team at Construction Coverage where you can also find a list of their top 2021 software picks.

  • Document Storage & Management
  • Submittals
  • RFIs
  • Change Orders
  • Instant & Remote Syncing:
  • Daily Logs
  • Digital Plan Markup
  • Punch Lists
  • Reporting
  • Integrations

What are examples of how you can save big with construction project management software?

  • Save on employee wages by getting teammates up to speed faster than traditional methods
  • Stop wasting money searching for project files or documents with software that keeps everything organized and easy to find quickly
  • Cut traditional training costs by allowing new employees to understand your workflow through the software, instead of lengthy one-on-one employee training sessions
  • Fewer mistakes equal more savings! Integrating management software will eliminate costly human errors that waste time and money for your company

Many construction management tools take care of documents exchange between the contractor and the owner, their subcontractors, suppliers, or other involved parties with storage and collaboration capabilities for project plans, subcontractor contracts, receipts, and other important documents. Taking advantage of this technology can streamline your daily operation, allowing your team to have access to organized reports that summarize things like project progress, budget, and spending information. Additionally in the increasingly remote-heavy working world, working offsite won’t be a problem with cloud-based products. At a time when you and your team need to access information instantly, this software is a game-changer. Do you want to make sure you are operating at peak financial efficiency? Our professional RBT team that specializes in construction clients is here to help, contact us today.

Sources: Yahoo Finance, Construction Coverage